A Fulfillment of one of Hugh Lynn
Cayce’s Dreams:
Archeological Evidence of the Ra Ta
10,500 B.C.
Many may
remember Hugh Lynn Cayce as the renaissance architect of the modern Association
of Research and Enlightenment, who after his father’s, Edgar Cayce, death, and
Hugh’s own return from Europe after WWII created the modern A.R.E. literally
from the ground up.

Not as many
are as familiar with Hugh Lynn’s passion for archeological research to validate
the Edgar Cayce readings of ancient civilizations and in particular the Cayce
readings for an ancient Egypt civilization at 10,500 B.C.; the “Ra Ta” period
or how important he felt it was. This
was a period that, according to the readings Edgar Cayce had an incarnation as
Ra Ta, the high priest and Hugh Lynn had an incarnation as the Pharaoh of the
time. The readings also detailed this
time as a period of the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt along with a
temple of sacrifice and a temple beautiful.
The Readings not only described a highly advanced Egyptian civilization
thousands of years before mainstream Egyptologist deem it possible, but it also
described their trade and collaboration with the civilization of Atlantis. Atlantis, that lost civilization first
written about by Plato. The Cayce
readings describe the Atlantean influences in this ancient Egypt as they fled
the final destruction of their country with evacuees spreading around the world
and other Atlanteans, along with Ra Ta and the Egyptians creating a center for
spiritual advancement with emissaries from civilizations and groups across the
Hugh Lynn’s
passion to find such archeological evidence for the Readings spanned decades,
from personally searching and digging in Israel and Iran, to donating to a dig
at Nag Hammadi Egypt and then to working with the Stanford Research institute
in investigating the area surround the Sphinx on the Giza Plateau drilling bore
holes to search for underground chambers beneath the Sphinx.
Author A.
Robert Smith describes Hugh Lynn’s incredible focus and purpose of this quest
in detail in his biography of Hugh Lynn; “About My Father’s Business; The
incredible Story of Edgar Cayce’s Son”.
Writing about Hugh Lynn’s archaeological search Smith states:
quest for evidence to support Cayce stories of ancient events had just begun.”[i]“…and (Hugh Lynn) would spend the rest
of his life in hot pursuit of the evidence of Ra Ta.”[ii] Hugh Lynn felt that such proof would have
his father; “be recognized as the greatest mystic of modern times.”[iii] (Author’s bolding)
One can
clearly see the importance Hugh Lynn placed on archeological research for his
father’s legacy. Such validation would
grant the recognition of Edgar Cayce “as the greatest mystic of modern times.”
Unfortunately, with all Hugh Lynn’s Herculean work with his many archaeological
searches continuing until his passing, no conclusive evidence was found.
Thankfully, Hugh Lynn passion had lit the torch of the purpose and the
importance of this archeological search and through the continuing years others
have picked it up this torch and continued the search. Great credit should be
given to this line of torch bearers who believed as Hugh Lynn did the great
importance and significance of archeological research for the Edgar Cayce work
and its legacy and kept that light of this search alive. Of these many searchers and their great
efforts, I would like to in particular thank Lora and Greg Little for
dedicating their time talent and treasure searching the Bahamas, Bimini, the
Yucatan and Piedra Negras for such evidence.
Their books on their efforts and research are well worth reading.
Now for the
incredible fruition of Hugh Lynn’s dream; firm and compelling archeological
evidence of an Edgar Cayce reading on ancient events and one that is directly
linked to Ra Ta and that period in Ancient Egypt. I know that this is an extremely
consequential and bold statement, but the solid archeological evidence clearly
exists and has been discovered.
This starts
with the Cayce Reading 281-25. This reading request specifically asks its
questions about Ra Ta, the Temple Beautiful and ancient Egypt circa 10,500
B.C. The reading answers include that Ra
Ta was involved in its construction and primary purpose of this sacred site,
the Temple Beautiful was to raise individual’s spiritual consciousness, to
reach “God-Consciousness”, enlightenment.
Further that emissaries from “the nations of the earth” came to Egypt to
go through this initiation to higher consciousness, to give themselves to this
service to then help others in reaching such enlightenment.
In the middle of this reading, almost as an
aside in describing the construction of the Temple Beautiful the unit of
measurement is given; it being 27.5 inches “was a cubit then.”
This small statement about a measurement for construction of a sacred
site, a temple whose purpose was to initiate people from around the world into
higher consciousness is also the measurement that built the foundation for the
archaeological evidence of an ancient lost global civilization with one of it
purposes being to assist other in raising consciousness just as described in
the Cayce reading. The fulfillment of Hugh Lynn’s dream.
In the space
available I will lay out the details.
About Eighteen years ago I began researching that 27.5-inch measurement
noted in the Edgar Cayce reading.
Research that not so much had me digging through the sands of Egypt or
hacking through the jungles of Mesoamerica or trekking through the deserts of
the Southwestern United States, though there was a bit of that, as it was more of
years digging through Egyptologists, Archeologists and ancient Metrologists written
archives. On the surface researching an
ancient measurement is not your “Indiana Jones” exciting adventure and
certainly does not get the same attention, press or funding. Yet ancient measurements are extraordinarily
important. Allow me to share from the
archeologist and anthropologists themselves just how important ancient
civilizations and their measurements are.
study of ancient measures used in a country is a basis of discovering the
movements of civilization between countries.”[iv]
“Among the various tests of the mental capacity of man one
of the most important, ranking in modern life on an equality of with language
is the appreciation of quantity, or notions of measurement and geometry. … Thus
the possession of the same unit of measurement by different people implies
either that it belonged to their common ancestors or else that a powerful
commercial intercourse has existed between them.”[v]
“Cultures sharing similar measurement systems likely had
some form of contact. Should such a measurement be located in architectural
remains, and appear in halves or doubles, then the probability that this
measure reflects a real historical unit of measure increases.”[vi]
“Measurement systems have provided the structure for
addressing key concerns of cosmological belief systems, as well as the
means for articulating relationships between human form, human action, and the
world—and new understanding of relationships between events in the terrestrial
world and beyond.”[vii]
“From the stones of Stonehenge to the alignments and
calendars of Mesoamerica, measurement stands at the dawn of cosmology. The term
“cosmology” is used here not just in the sense of explanation of the celestial,
but in the sense of conception of the universe—the set of beliefs about the
world, material and immaterial, and the rules through which interaction can
As can
clearly be seen from these experts, measurements are vital to ancient
civilizations and to our understanding them today. Measurements spoke to these ancients’ mental
capacities and their sciences such as engineering and architecture. Further different civilizations using the same
measurement demonstrates solid communication and possibly common ancestors.
While similar measurement systems provide strong evidence of communication
between them. The use of measurements by ancient cultures also spoke to their
spiritual philosophies. Their relationship between the material and immaterial,
their relationship between Heaven and Earth and uniting them. Measurements were
central to their sciences and spirituality at a fundamental level.
Now, with
this important background let me share how well the Cayce reading brings this
all together starting with the Egyptian measurement of 27.5 inches (70cm) and
its connection with a sacred site linked to multiple cultures for raising
spiritual consciousness fits these archeological standards.
unit: Nebiu (NB) – 27.5 inches (70 cm) … linked to aakhu meh unit and Great
Pyramid; note the aakhu meh (transliterated as Spirit/Light cubit) is recorded
in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. A
specimen resides at the MMNY.
(Mogollon: Ancestral Puebloans: Casa Grandes site) culture (Mexico-Arizona-New
Mexico) – 27.5 inches (70 cm)
Cubit: Zapal – 55 inches (142 cm) … Kukulkan Pyramid = 2 spirit of light cubits
megalithic rod: (100 megalithic inches, 2.5 MY = 81.7 inches {207.3 cm}) = 3
spirit of light cubits 82.5 inches (210 cm)
Valley: the Harappans used an “Indus foot” of 34.55 cm and a “double foot” of
69.11 cm. These results are equivalent to the length of the spirit light cubit
and its half.
The evidence
shows 3 of these civilizations used the same exact measurement, while the other
2 civilizations use multiple of the measurement. This is stunning
archeological quality evidence of a lost civilization that had communications
and trade and possibly common ancestors that spanned at least 5 civilizations
and 4 continents! Further this
shared measuring is found at their sacred sites, all these sites are considered
“axis mundi” places where Heaven and Earth. Ancient sites used to raise
spiritual consciousness.
By George Grie - Own work, CC BY-SA
4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60686064
There is so
much more evidence and detail that strengthen and validate these conclusions in
even more multiple significant and meaningful ways that make the entire results
so flawlessly elegant. It takes your breath away. For now, let what has presented here suffice.
What is
presented here, alone, confirms the Cayce reading; the Egyptian unit of
measurement, the same measurement or measurement system, found in use around
the ancient world’s constructed sacred sites, for the same spiritual purpose as
cited in the Cayce reading and all archeologically evidencing global
communication from at lost civilization.
Pause and
pondered the ramifications of this archeological evidence. First, just standing alone the archeological
evidence meets their standards to posit a lost civilization having a global
reach with a measurement system used at their sacred sites without the reading.
Second this evidence seamlessly fits into all the Cayce reading describing such
a civilization along with its global reach and purpose.
Lynn’s dream and “quest for evidence to support Cayce stories of ancient events”
has just been fulfilled! Which means, by Hugh Lynn’s
belief, “that such proof would have his father; “be recognized as the greatest
mystic of modern times.” Please as any follower of the Cayce reading take the
time to savor that statement. Then share
this news.
I believe
this is just the beginning of many more such discoveries validating the Cayce
reading; I assure you I have already found others.
[ii] A.
Robert Smith, About My Father’s Business; The incredible Story of Edgar Cayce’s
Son, A.R.E. Press, 2011 p.259
[iii] A.
Robert Smith, About My Father’s Business; The incredible Story of Edgar Cayce’s
Son, A.R.E. Press, 2011 p.260
[iv] Flinders
Petrie. Measures and Weights. London: Methuen & Company Ltd. 1934, p.1.
Flinders Petrie. The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain
and Ireland, Volume VIII.
London 1879.
Flinders Petrie. The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain
and Ireland, Volume VIII.
London 1879: p.107.
The Archeology of Measurement: Comprehending Heaven, Earth and Time in Ancient
Societies. Cambridge
University Press. 2010. Edited by Iain Morley and Colin
Renfrew. p.1.
Measure: Towards the construction of our world. The Archeology of Measurement:
Comprehending Heaven,
Earth and Time in Ancient Societies. Cambridge
University Press 2010. Edited by Iain Morley and
Colin Renfrew. p.3.
For those
interested this entire journey and much greater detail of this wonderful discovery
can be found in my book; The Spirit of Light Cubit: The measure of Humanity and