Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dirt has a microbiome, and it may double as an antidepressant

Dirt has a microbiome, and it may double as an antidepressant           By Zoë Schlanger. May 30, 2017

The Cayce Readings find validation once more!
by Don Carroll

TEXT OF READING 5125-1 F 30 (Secretary, Baptist). This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 19th day of May, 1944
R E A D I N G : Born in Bokhoma, Oklahoma.  
2. EC: A new vibration! Very good. Quite an interesting fact about people born here [Bokhoma, Okla.?]. One out of ten thousand would ever commit suicide. Something in the soil; get it between your toes and you'll never commit suicide.

73 years ago Edgar Cayce went into his meditative trance state to give a psychic reading requested by a 30 year old woman.  Though the majority of readings Cayce gave were medical related, what would be called a medical intuitive reading today, in this case, the reading was consider a “life reading”. A life reading generally provided only past lives experiences with their gains and losses that would assist the person in the present life along with observations on the persons present life. On occasion during the reading sometimes other observations, like an aside, would be made.

This reading was one of those cases that provided additional information.  The reading has sat in the archives for over seven decades with that curious statement that “something in the soil” helps prevent suicide. Though there are many causes for suicide, major causes are considered from mental health issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, and PTSD.  Until recently this has enigmatic statement has lain fallow. 

In the 1940’s the idea that something in the soil could help prevent suicide or stress is not something that medical science would have been seriously considered, or the source of such an idea, to state kindly. .  Yet, here, over seventy years later is the scientific evidence that the reading was correct.

Now science is once more providing validating evidence for the material contained in the Cayce readings. Recent investigations confirmed by multiple medical researchers have found certain soil based bacterium reduce stress and anxiety.

“A new study just revealed a big one concealed by bacteria living in the dirt beneath us, and it could move us closer to the development of the long-theorized “stress vaccine."
The researchers injected the rodents with M. vaccae prior to exposing them to a stressful event, and the shots both prevented a “PTSD-like syndrome” in the short-term and diminished stress reactions later on.”
By David DiSalvo :Senior Contributor.

In another article on this recent research it states:

…the bacteria injection “significantly improved patient quality of life,” O’Brien wrote in the paper detailing the findings. Her patients were happier, expressed more vitality, and better cognitive functioning—
Researchers have already found clear evidence that childhood exposure to outdoor microbes is linked to a more robust immune system; for example, Bavarian farm children who spent time in family animal stables and drank farm milk had drastically lower rates of asthma and allergies throughout their lives than their neighbors who did not.
Dirt has a microbiome, and it may double as an antidepressant by Zoë Schlanger, May 30, 2017.

The Cayce readings time and time again continued to be validated in multiple different categories.  It’s time to pause and ponder such validations for the greater ramifications on the overall contents of the Readings. It could be world changing.

Monday, September 30, 2019

All Matter/materiality originates from vibrations

The Cayce readings “predictions” are correct, Again.

All Matter/materiality originates from vibrations

The readings continue with their remarkable explanations as to how such things as the universe and matter were created.  At the time of these readings Quantum Physics/Quantum Mechanics was in its infancy and in the midst of a scientific debate and struggle with Newtonian physics on the makeup of the universe.  In the 1920’s it was just beginning to study and theorize about sub atomic wave functions. Yet the Cayce readings in 1929 had already put forth an answer.

 “(Q) [Is this statement correct?]… everything is vibratory …–

“(A) Absolutely correct! “(Reading 195-54) 

“For, as has been in the experience, and as is partially understood by the entity, everything in motion, everything that has taken on materiality as to become expressive in any kingdom in the material world, is BY the VIBRATIONS that are the motions - or those positive and negative influences that make for that differentiation that man has called matter in its various stages of evolution into material things. For it enters and it passes through. For - as is the better understood, and as will be proclaimed (and the entity may be able to aid in same) - all vibration must eventually, as it materializes into matter, pass through a stage of evolution and out.” (699-1) (1934)

While true all force in nature, all matter, is a form of vibration - and the vibratory force determines as to what its nature IS - that given by the cell itself, from which it produced - as is seen in all matter in the earth's plane. (900-448) (1929)

It is only recently that scientists have come to the same conclusion on how the universe came into being.

“The cosmic microwave background is remarkably uniform over the entire sky, but tiny variations reveal the imprints of sound waves triggered by quantum fluctuations in the universe just moments after it was born. These imprints, appearing as splotches in the Planck map, are the seeds from which matter grew, forming stars and galaxies.  Production editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

Another article from the scientific community also confirms, albeit more poetically written:

“The early universe rang with the sound of countless cosmic bells, which filled the primordial darkness with ripples like the surface of a pond pounded by stones. The wave fronts later served as spawning grounds for galaxies, astronomers announced Tuesday.”

To be clear about Cayce’s amazing prediction the definition of sound is vibration.

The definition of sound: Noun; Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium…Sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations…

Now, 85 years after the Cayce reading explained where the matter of the universe came from, science confirms the Cayce readings. Vibrations--sound--is how matter in our universe originated.  An interesting post script, the Cayce readings state some of the information came from the "Akashic Record"; this is based of the Eastern concept of the "Akasha" which , at its foundations, is sound.

Donald B. Carroll

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Cayce readings correctly predict ancient civilization findings Again!

The Cayce readings correctly predict ancient civilization findings Again!

Archeologist discover magnetic Mesoamerican stone sculptures

Magnetized stone “turtle head”

Vincent H. Malmström:

1. HLC: You will give an historical treatise on the origin and development of the Mayan civilization, answering questions. 

2. EC: Yes. In giving a record of the civilization in this particular portion of the world, it should be remembered that more than one has been and will be found as research progresses.

13. Hence each would ask, what specific thing is there that we may designate as being a portion of the varied civilizations that formed the earlier civilization of this particular land? 

14. The stones that are circular, that were of the magnetized influence upon which the Spirit of the One spoke to those peoples as they gathered in their service   (TEXT OF READING 5750-1 circa 1933.)

Originally discovered by Dartmouth researchers in the 1970’s (V. Malmstrom) and further evaluated in 1997, there has been renewed interest in the discovered stone carvings with magnetic properties.  Recent studies (Harvard 2019) have confirmed that statues in the Guatemala area were purposely carved to focus their magnetic aspects in specific areas, usually the navel, forehead or right cheek.  Also a large “turtle head table like sculpture with a northern polarity aligned at its snout and a southern polarity aligned at the back of it head.  The archeologist debate the meanings for this but agree the sculptors recognized the magnetism found in stone (possibly caused by lightning strikes) but also naturally occurring magnetism in stone.  The key point, relating to the Cayce readings, is that these sculptors and their culture had discovered away to recognize and identify this magnetism and shape their sculptures accordingly. 

Vincent H. Malmström: Unearthed at nearby Monte Alto

The Edgar Cayce readings predate these University discoveries by over 40 years.

The Cayce reading on the magnetized stones contains even greater accuracy confirmed by the academic researchers.  The recent archeological findings further state that these magnetized stone carvings date to Olmec and Pre-Olmec societies, earlier societies that are considered ancestral to the Maya society.  The Cayce reading was focusing on the Maya  culture yet stated: “Hence each would ask, what specific thing is there that we may designate as being a portion of the varied civilizations that formed the earlier civilization of this particular land?’’ The new academic reports confirm this reading statement.

Additionally, the Cayce reading relate that the magnetism designed in the stones related to their spiritual belief, this possibility, though debated, is also put for by the academic research.

“If the sculpture depicts a head, it is often magnetic in the right temple. If it depicts a body, its magnetic pole is usually near the navel…

 Clearly, something in the early Soconuscan culture seems to have dictated a linkage between the right temple and magnetism and between the navel and magnetism. What was it?

               Naturally, one might conjecture that the connection being implied between magnetism and the head was the symbolization of a mental or spiritual link --... Similarly, the association between magnetism and the navel may well have been a commemoration of the physical side of life -- the continuity of the life-force from mother to child, despite the cutting of the umbilical cord at birth.” Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilization by Vincent H. Malmström: University of Texas Press; 1st edition (October 1, 1996) Chapter 3; Strange Attraction:  The Mystery of Magnetism

This ability to identify and recognize magnetic properties in stones and shape them for their own purposes in Mesoamerica and the Guatemala area was unknown to academia until the 1970’s, yet the Cayce readings over 40 years earlier clearly cited this ability of the ancient Mesoamericans and their purposes for doing so We are provided with incredible and further hard data evidence and validation of the accuracy of the Cayce readings in many arenas.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Great Pyramid’s missing Capstone: the culminating the elegance of the Spirit of Light Cubit

The Great Pyramid’s missing Capstone: the culminating elegance of the Spirit of Light Cubit.

     Readers of my book, my articles and my blog are familiar with my research with a unit of measurement noted in the Edgar Cayce readings as being the measurement used in Ancient Egypt’s pyramids and temples. This unit of measurement has a length of 27.5 inches. Cursory research of ancient Egyptian linear measurements will not reveal this unit of measurement but if one continues deeper into the Egyptian archives you will find that such an actual measurement does exist, obscured in the sands of time and Egypt. This is a measurement that is not only buried away in the papyrus and hieroglyphs but there is also a physical example of this unit of measurement discovered in the excavations of the Pyramids of Lisht; pyramids that are linked to the Great Pyramid and the Giza Plateau. This measuring rod can be found in the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

     They already know how extraordinarily well the use “Spirit of Light"Cubit” fits in defining the dimensions of the Great Pyramid and its symbolic significance in the ancient Egyptian spiritual philosophy, along with leaving a message any mathematician would recognize.

     Further I have theorized that, from the long tradition of ancient measurements being derived from body proportions that this length represented the human spine (pathway of the Kundalini and higher consciousness) and was to be specifically implemented at sacred sites in focusing such initiations to raise our consciousness, to bring Heaven and Earth together in ourselves.  In pertaining to the Great Pyramid and the Giza Plateau (the plateau of Rostau) this is clearly evident in that the plateau was dedicated to Osiris and Osiris symbol was the Djed which represented Osiris’s spine (hidden in plain sight).  They even had a ceremony; “Raising the Djed” representing spiritual resurrection rebirth and stability. Also that Egyptologists define pyramids as cosmic engines representing the uniting of Heaven and Earth.

     This all leads to the culmination in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid missing capstone. The capstone, what the ancient Egyptians revered as the Benben stone which symbolized their Benu bird, their immortal bird which, rises up in brilliance in rebirth and resurrection and is associated with the resurrection of Osiris, a similar correlation to raising the Djed..  Many believe it was the source for the Greek lore of the Phoenix.

     The Benben stone, the capstone, found on every Egyptian Obelisk (properly named in Hieroglyphs as a Tekhenu and translated as: “to rise up on brilliance” and symbolized a frozen shaft of light with their immortal bird atop it on the primordial land and water of Earth). This same Benben stone culminated their pyramids (pyramids also believed to represent frozen mountain/stairways of light) as the capstone with its same meaning and as a pyramid on a pyramid, completes the circuit. Thus creating a sacred functioning “cosmic engine” that united Heaven and Earth and completed the spiritual rebirth and resurrection in higher consciousness from whence we once were.

     The Great Pyramid’s Benben stone has been missing since time immemorial, it is believed to have been electrum (a combination of gold, silver and copper) covered course stones. The original Great Pyramid height is considered to be about 480.8 feet and that today its height is 455.4 feet, per the mainstream Egyptologists it is missing the top 7 horizontal courses from its original 210 stone courses; thus missing 25.4 feet of the original structure; basically the Ben-Ben stone or capstone is gone. As an aside, the Egyptian authorities had planned to put a golden capstone by helicopter on the Great Pyramid at midnight , New Year’s Eve, 1999, for the millennium (yes, 2000 would have been the correct date) during a large announced celebration.  This announcement apparently created such uproar from many groups for multiple reasons from the political to the esoteric that the capstone ceremony was cancelled.  We probably will never know the true reason.

     Now, here is the incredible, elegant aspect of all this: the missing 25.4 feet in the great Pyramids height (the top 7 courses), when converted into Light Cubits is 11 (Eleven!!) (25.4 feet versus 25.2 feet). So the top 7 horizontal courses equate to a missing vertical height of 11 Light Cubits, creating a proportion of 7 horizontal courses to 11 vertical units of measurement.  I find this astounding in that the proportion of the original entire height of the Great Pyramid to its full width is 7 over 11!!  The dimensions and courses of both the Great Pyramid and their proportions of its’ capstone of 7 and 11 reflecting and thus magnifying each other.  I believe the Great Pyramid and its’ capstone are the only pyramid and capstone that has so perfectly designed to reflect and unite itself in such a significant and elegant manner.   Just like the Hermetic axiom of; “As Above, So Below”, which represents the not only the reflecting but the uniting in One.  

     These results occur primarily because of the unit of measurement noted in the Cayce readings for Ancient Egypt’s temples and pyramids in such a beautiful, elegant manner, much as the main spiritual philosophical theme found in the Cayce readings advise us of our purpose, like the purpose of the Great Pyramid with its capstone, is to be bring spirit into physicality, spiritualize matter, yes, unite Heaven and Earth together in ourselves.  It is important to remember that according to the Cayce readings the Great Pyramid was constructed to be a prime facilitator of this purpose, everyone still has the ability within themselves, here and now. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Floating Stones of the Great Pyramid

The Floating Stones of the Great Pyramid

16. (Q) How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built? (A) By the use of those forces in nature as make for iron to swim. Stone floats in the air in the same manner. This will be discovered in '58.             Reading 5748-6.

The Great Pyramid a remaining ancient wonder and still a wonder for the modern times.  This incredible edifice has a height of a 48 story building with each side longer than 2 ½ football fields; it has a foot print of 13 acres, and is the tallest human made structure built until the late 19th century.  It is estimated to have 2, 300,000 stone blocks with each block having average weight of 2 ½ tons with some blocks weighing over 70 tons. It alignment to the cardinal points of the compass is just 3 minutes of a degree off perfect and to this day after thousands upon thousands of years it is less than an inch of being perfectly level. The interior passage ways and rooms are assembled so exactly that you cannot get a credit card between the seams of the blocks. It is an unbelievable scientific engineering and architectural phenomenon that’s construction is still a mystery today.
personal photo

Many theories have been put forth on how it was constructed; first by slaves, now by a city of free Egyptian artisan and engineers, perhaps with linear ramps, or with spiral ramps, perhaps with block and tackles, or with kites to lift stones, theories even include the assistance of extraterrestrials. 

How it was constructed can also be found in the Edgar Cayce readings as cited in the beginning of this article: “By the use of those forces in nature as make for iron to swim. Stone floats in the air in the same manner” (Reading 5748-6).

So how do stones float in air with what similar forces to “make for iron to swim”?

This is called “buoyancy force”, described briefly:

All liquids and gases in the presence of gravity exert an upward force—called buoyancy—on any object immersed in them. If the object is less dense than the liquid or gas, buoyancy will make it float. A cork floats in water because it is less dense than a cork-size volume of water. But it won’t float in air because it is denser than the same volume of air. ( )

Objects can float in the air thanks to buoyancy, which an upward force that the air exerts on them. The objects must weigh less than the air it displaces., this is different from lift.

Now, new scientific discoveries are adding credence and validation to the Cayce reading on the method of construction with the possible us sound to create this buoyancy.  Below are excerpts from this scientific new research.

New discoveries show that ordinary sound has a negative gravity mass.

the findings also suggest that the attraction is in the opposite direction to the gravitational attraction generated by normal matter, which means that the sound waves may fall instead of the gravitational field…

These finds not only show that the sound has a gravitational mass but that this mass is negative. All known substances have a positive gravitational mass and such masses are attracted. But the positive gravity mass repels the negative gravity mass instead of attracting it…

"It would be really interesting to see if these effects are measurable," said Esposito.

Scientists detail their findings on March 1 in the journal Physical letters for review,    03/11/2019

This new discovery that ordinary sound has the potential ability to create a negative gravitational mass thus having the ability of repelling or pushing objects in the opposite direction of gravity having the effect of the objects bobbing in air like a corks in water or having “stones float in air” . This finding from the scientific community and this burgeoning discovery opens the possibility of sound being used to lift objects and further shows just how incredible the information in  Cayce readings have been for so many years and continue to be today.     

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Pythagoras, Ancient Egypt and the “Spirit of Light (Cayce) Cubit”:

Pythagoras, Ancient Egypt and the “Cayce Cubit”:

Elegance in the union of Heaven and Earth: Science and Spirituality

I have written several articles about what I call the “Cayce Cubit” or “Spinal Cubit” that, according to the Cayce readings, was in use in ancient Egypt in the construction of its monuments and temples. You can find many of these articles on this website and the Edgar Cayce website.  The “Cayce Cubit’s”  use and elegance was not something I took at face value, I was a “doubting Thomas”  and wanted to see and find the proof, the evidence of its possible use and I did time and time again.  I found evidence of an ancient Egyptian cubit called a Nb, Nbi, or Nebiu by Egyptologists of 27.5 inches and discovered cultural significance for its use with multiple aspects in ancient Egypt in their construction and spiritual philosophy. Further that this Cayce Cubit functioned ideally as a “2-second”pendulum (swung from the horizontal), the length of a “2-second” pendulum; the “2-seconf pendulum” being one of the finalist proposals for determining the original length of the meter as an international standard measure.  Additionally there is significant evidence that this Cayce unit of measurement was used at other sacred sites around the globe to connect Heaven and Earth such as Chichen Itza, Mexico and Stonehenge in England.

Recently as I have gone the Cayce readings again I have come across another amazing “nugget” with beautiful and elegant significance of the using and symbolism for the “Cayce Cubit”.  It is a reading about the time of the high priest “Ra-Ta” in ancient Egypt, circa 10,500 BC.  The readings is about the beginning of the construction of the “temple beautiful and the “temple of sacrifice” and that during this period the ancient Egyptians had other temples with the description of one used for “birthing” at the time to facilitate bring in the most perfect newborns. The reading included the dimensions of the birthing rooms.

The rooms, as would be sized as we would call, were 7 feet X 9 feet in their size, with 8 to 10 feet in the height … Those that were born in same were immediately, or after three months, taken from their own families and raised in those groups which were confined in other buildings for those purposes. Reading 294-149

Why this reading did not catch my attention before, I do not know, but this time I thought to apply the “Cayce Cubit” to the room dimensions. After doing so I sat back and smiled in awe, again at the elegance of it all.  The results give you a room that is 3 x 4 (in Cayce cubits).  Perhaps the reader asks why this seems so significant and elegant.  The reason being, dear reader is that if you divide this rectangular room dimension diagonally making two right triangles, the result is two right triangles that are 3 x 4 x 5. This creates the prime and perfect Pythagorean right triangle probably known better as A-squared times B-squared = C-squared!!

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher that so little is known of and his “Mystery School”, it is believed he traveled to India, Persia, Phoenicia, and in particular Egypt in acquiring his knowledge and wisdom. 

What Pythagoras is credited for in reference to this prime Pythagorean triangle is that it is the most prefect beautiful triangle representing a triad of equilibrium, knowledge and wisdom.  That it is the progenitor of polygons and symbolizes the trinity of the masculine – feminine – offspring, the spirit body and soul, the triad of Osiris – Isis – Horus.

Thus this creates in the Ancient Egyptian Philosophy the perfect dimensions for a room to bring new life into the Earth.  The dimensions described for exactly such rooms in ancient Egypt in the Cayce readings.  The Cayce readings again and again show that these are active living readings that continually have knowledge and wisdom to share with seekers.  That the readings should be reviewed on a regular basis; for when the student is ready the teacher will appear. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Maya city Ichakabal Discovered!! Over 50 years after an Edgar Cayce reading named it.

The Maya city Ichakabal Discovered!!  Over 50 years after an Edgar Cayce reading named it.

In May of 1943 Edgar Cayce gave a life reading for woman seeking to better understand her role in the universe.  In his trance state Edgar Cayce reviewed some of her past lives that would be of assistance to her in the present life’s journey.  This was always a core tenet of the life readings for such seekers.  These readings were not for entertainment, they were for growth of the individual.  This is clearly stated in the reading:

6. In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them for this entity, these we choose from same with the desire and purpose that this information may be a helpful experience; enabling the entity to better fulfill those purposes for which the entity entered this present sojourn. TEXT OF READING 3004-1

The Cayce reading recommended to her that she had latent abilities and skills as a historian or “datastician” (sic) that should be developed. Her reading continued describing past lives where she was a teacher, record keeper, plan designer and interpreter of crystals and natures fires.  It was suggested to develop her talents in such fashions, such as a historian in her present lifetime.

The past life for her Cayce reading described in the Yucatan caught my eye.

18. Before that the entity was in the Yucatan land, when there were those activities in which there were those groups that had caused dissension among the worshipers in the temple there of Ichakabal. In those activities we find whole groups of individuals being separated, and seeking for activities in other groups.

19. The entity maintained that the activities there, in Ichakabal, were to be kept. These brought periods of disappointment for the entity. Eventually the entity became the priestess there, but with the groups being led away by Horcatiaus, they were periods of depression for the entity.

20. In the latter part of the experience there, even though the groups had become small, there were those activities that brought the greater spiritual unfoldment, spiritual development for the entity….

21. The name then was Shekla…TEXT OF READING 3004-1  

Unashamedly I am avid researcher and occasional writer based in the Cayce readings; particularly the readings involving ancient cultures, along with the common threads and links between such ancient cultures the Cayce readings commonly make reference too.  In particular the cultures of the Ancient Egyptians, the Cliff Dwellers of the SW United States, the builders of Stonehenge, and the Maya. Though I have written and presented on Cayce readings in such areas sharing the validating evidence collaborated in the readings sharing how there are not only cultural links, but also spiritual links. In that vein a recent article I came across piqued my interest. 

Ichkabal, the most important archaeological site in southern Quintana Roo

Por Fernanda Duque Hernández By Fernanda Duque Hernandez
Jueves, 03 de Marzo del 2016, 12:35 hrs. Thursday, March 3, 2016, 12:35 hrs.[i]

Ichkabal!  The name of a Maya city in the readings, could this be? Incredible!  This is the first time I have come across a reading with the name of an unknown, undiscovered ancient city that is then discovered by the scientific community. The synchronicity of finding this article at this time made me smile.  The Cayce readings time and time again tell how we are connected, not only with each other but with all consciousness.  Through the years this truth from the readings had been proven on a regular basis.  If we practice meditation, contemplative prayer and apply it in our lives such experiences happen more and more. I have had the opportunity through the years to explore multiple Maya sites and led a tour to some Maya areas. Right now I am preparing to lead another tour to Maya sites again and it was in that preparation and research Ichkabal was brought to my attention.

Needless to say after finding this article, I searched for more.  I then could see why I hadn’t found it before, this is a recent discovery and almost all the articles about it are in Spanish. (Thank you “Google translation”) As I read them, and there are not many, one could see, archeologically speaking, this is a recent site and funding for such research takes years.  Thanks to “Google translate” the information in these links could be pursued to reveal even more about this discovery.  Many of the articles are from Mexico’s INAH, their nation institute for Archeological and Historical research, which was important in validating the source information.

 It should be noted that the readings spell this Maya city; Ichakabal, while the archeologists spell it; Ichkabal. I would suggest since the readings were written down as Edgar Cayce spoke, and the slight difference is merely a phonetic difference only. 

One of the aspects that really caught my attention was how this Mayan site discovered by the archeologists was given its name.

“Origins of name

 The site is located west of the Bacalar Lagoon, surrounded by a lot of smaller and very close to the archaeological site of prehistoric settlements Dzibanché.  The name was assigned Ichkabal only in March 1995, when the first archaeologists came to the place accompanied by local guides;  the name means "between low", which were intended to highlight the physiographic features of the site environment.”[ii]

This is a stunning turn of events!  This ancient Maya city was not assigned a name until 1995, fifty-two years after being cited in the reading.  It seems what is being experienced here are not only Cayce’s ability to tap into the universal consciousness of experiences and events in the past, but also his prescience ability to see into the future.  I already used incredible, so let me write, amazing!  Remember, the National institute wrote that they named this site (Ichkabal) in 1995 “to highlight the physiographic features of the site environment.”  The archeologists choose the name from its surroundings while physically visiting the site. I sit back and think about that, these archeologist climbing through the jungle to reach this site, whereas Edgar Cayce, spoke of and named this Maya city from the couch in his home office, thousands of miles in space and thousands of years in time removed from the city’s inception. His climb to the same place was through the Akashic record and through this manner named it and some of the events occurring in an ancient time.

The Cayce reading tells us that even with the dissension it was a place where greater spiritual unfoldment occurred.  Ongoing research at the site is reaching similar conclusions.  This is not a minor discovery; the researchers describe this site as a very important Maya site with a pyramid temple that absolutely dwarfs the Kulkulcan pyramid at Chitzen itza.

El sitio arqueológico en cuestión, ubicado 40 kilómetros al poniente de la ciudad de Bacalar, fue descubierto en 1995 y todo indica que se trata de un centro político-religioso de gran trascendencia en el mundo maya, con una estructura principal de más de 40 metros de altura y 200 metros de base, superando incluso a la famosísima pirámide de Chichen Itzá. The archaeological site in question, located 40 kilometers west of the city of Bacalar, was discovered in 1995 and everything indicates that this is a political and religious center of great importance in the Maya world, with a backbone of more than 40 meters high and 200 meters base, surpassing even the famous Chichen Itza pyramid. [iii]

The validation of the Cayce reading information continues:

The Cayce readings detail that there were religious/spiritual dissentions at the time with the populace separating in to groups, many being led away from the city and leaving a smaller remaining group. 

we find whole groups of individuals being separated, and seeking for activities in other groups…. with the groups being led away… even though the groups had become small,(those remaining) there were those activities that brought the greater spiritual unfoldment, spiritual development for the entity…. TEXT OF READING 3004-1

This section of the reading collaborates with the archeologist’s hypothesis as they excavate and research Ichkabal, that it was not reasons of war or famine for the exodus of populations of such cities.

This dwelling continuity surprises us; Ichkabal exploration may end the Maya Collapse myth, which points out that great ceremonial centers were abandoned by the end of Classic period, around 900 AD, remaining like that until European contact”.[iv]

As the Cayce reading points out; Ichkabal had an exodus of many of its dwellers over spiritual differences, but was not abandoned. The woman (Shekla) for whom the readings was given remained with others.

As a final fascinating note related to this past life reading the woman’s past life incarnation was named “Shekla”.  In the North American indigenous Zuni culture shekla (ashekla) means pine.  The Zuni culture of the American Southwest traces their roots back to the older ancestral Puebloan culture of the same area. This more ancient culture was known to have links, trade and communication with the Mesoamericans such as the Maya.  Recently remains of Mesoamerican parrot feathers, copper, and cocoa (chocolate) have been discovered and identified in the ancient Puebloan site of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. This leads back again to the Cayce reading that provides the name of a recently discover Maya city and also provides the name of the Maya priestess (Shekla) with evidence this name means pine.  This is evidence based information with tantalizing possibilities, not only from the Zuni language but of the spiritual importance that pine had for the Maya.  In a recent article to Latin American Antiquity (Vo. 16, No. 3, 2005) an article on the ancient Maya culture states:

  The common distribution of pine remains … in ceremonial deposits at surface sites suggests that pine was a component of prehistoric Maya ritual paraphernalia. …Furthermore, the widespread recovery of pine remains from diverse ceremonial contexts raises the possibility that pine was a basic element of ritual paraphernalia for many different types of ritual practices; the burning of pine may have been an essential symbolic act necessary to establish the validity of ritual performances.[v]

This shows even the name given for a Maya priestess, related to pine, in the Cayce readings would be appropriate for the person’s position and the specific culture that is being described.  These are not random, happenstance results. 

Nor do I believe that this reading’s recommendation to pursue history for this individual was happenstance. Rather that  this reading was prophetic not only for her, but also for those who research the readings, for in such pursuits, it can be seen how rich and still unfolding the readings are towards spiritual evolvement, medical assistance, and clearly the ancient cultures being shared in them.

Presented here is more evidence of Edgar Cayce’s ability not only to describe accurately ancient past cultures, cities, and events, but also future events, in this case the discovery and naming of this Maya city.  Ichkabal is just being unearthed, there is much yet to come from the ongoing excavations of this site.  My dream is to find a way to this site, it has not yet been opened to the public, and to share it with others, to be present, to explore on the ground what Edgar Cayce explored in his psychic state.

There is so much more to this and the Cayce readings, but for now let’s just absorb and appreciate this further validation of the significance and value of the Cayce readings.

Ultimately this shows that the tens of thousands of pages of the Edgar Cayce readings are alive, they are living breathing resources of knowledge pertaining to humanity’s purpose, spiritual journey, ancient history, physical health and our evolving consciousness.  The readings are not static to be read once and filed away. In so many ways humanity, science and our individual consciousness are catching up to the rich resources awaiting our active participation and searching.  As been stated by many before; when the student is ready, the teacher appears.  The readings are such an active teacher, the student just needs to be ready.

Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology will open the site to visitors for the first time in late 2017 or early 2018.